What to Bring to Outdoor Concert/Event

If you are planning to attend an outdoor concert, festival, or special event this summer, of course you are incredibly excited. But don’t let your excitement overshadow some important considerations. Foremost among those is the fact that most outdoor events have a list of things you can and cannot bring.

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Texting Laws in California

Research shows that driver distraction or lack of attention plays a role in 25% of all vehicle accidents, but whether use of a cell phone or the actual act of engaging in conversation is the real culprit is still being hotly debated.

Regardless of the debate, however, California has created...

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What Can I Do if Someone Defames Me?

Defamation is one of those areas of law that people refer to, but often don’t really understand. Where is the line between speaking your mind and defaming someone? The answer is in whether or not what the other person is saying causes you harm.

Defamation Must Cause Actual Harm

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Top 5 Car Accident Myths

Your parents, friends, and co-workers have often thought they were being helpful in sharing information on what happens after a car accident. Unfortunately, most of this information is incorrect: it is common for us to correct clients and set up the proper expectations for what really happens during these traumatic incidents. Here...

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What is the “Burden of Proof” In a Lawsuit?

All legal cases – both civil and criminal – require certain evidence and thresholds be met before a decision can be made about guilt, innocence, or liability. This is called the “burden of proof”. In civil lawsuits, such as personal injury claims, the burden of proof rests on the plaintiff, who is...

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