What is the Caltrans Free Roadside Assistance in Los Angeles?

The State of California Department of Transportation, also known as Caltrans, manages the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of highways throughout the state. Caltrans took their role a step further when they initiated a free roadside assistance program throughout Los Angeles County. As a partnership between Caltrans, the California Highway Patrol, and local transportation agencies, the Metro Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) was designed to help reduce congestion, provide motorists with assistance if they became stranded, and hopefully reduce accidents.

Caltrans Helps Thousands of Drivers

Currently, there are FSP programs in several parts of Southern California, including San Diego, Santa Barbara, and San Bernardino. According to the FSP:

  • The FSP covers more than 1,750 miles of California Highways
  • The FSP has a fleet of 350 tow trucks
  • Estimates suggest that Caltrans free roadside assistance service helps as many as 25,000 drivers every month in LA County
  • Every year, the FSP assists more than 650,000 motorists on California highways.

What the FSP Roadside Assistance Program Offers

The FSP provides service and tow trucks that can help stranded motorists with a variety of services, including:

  • Changing a flat tire
  • Jump-starting a vehicle
  • Refilling radiators
  • Taping leaky hoses
  • Refueling up to one gallon of fuel
  • Towing disabled vehicles to a safe location

The program is free, and all motorists need to do is call 511 and say “Motorist Aid” from one of the regularly placed call boxes.

Motorists should be aware that the free roadside assistance service is only to be used for non-emergency situations. Any auto accidents or emergencies should be reported to law enforcement by calling 911. For more information about the roadside assistance program, visit the California Highway Patrol website.


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