As the weather warms up and the sun shines longer, it is only natural that kids want to be outside. But as all parents know, accidents can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time – even in the safety of a trusted neighborhood or park.
Tips for Keeping Your Children Safe During Springtime
Here are some tips for keeping your kids safe during springtime.
Fall Protection
Falls are the leading cause of injury among kids 15 and younger. Take precautions when playing outside, on swing sets, or when riding a bicycle. Use helmets, and supervise kids at all times. Never let kids play alone in the street.
Avoid Accidental Drowning
Accidental drowning is the leading cause of accidental death in kids 1-4 years old. Avoid accidental drowning by doing the following:
- Never leave kids unattended in or near a pool, no matter how small.
- Make sure pool fencing is appropriate for local safety codes.
- Have CPR and first-aid equipment on hand.
- If kids don’t know how to swim, make sure they wear life vests.
Burn Prevention
Each year, thousands of kids visit the ER with burn injuries. Many are caused by getting too close to a grill, campfire, or fire pit. Take burn prevention precautions by teaching kids how dangerous fire is, and not to play around heat or open flame.
Car Safety
Car safety is important for warm weather. Practice car safety when driving, sitting in traffic, or even when your car is parked. Be mindful of the following:
- Never leave kids unattended in a car, no matter where it is.
- Make sure you check the back seat before exiting and locking the car.
- If you see a child alone in a vehicle, call 911 immediately.
- Teach your kids that cars are not toys, and should not be played in, or around.
- Buckle your kids in safely every time you drive.
Be Aware
Accidents can happen anywhere, so the best tip is to be aware. Even when you are out in your yard, be careful and take steps to prevent accident and injuries.
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