10 Safety Tips for Driving in California

Every year, approximately 3,700 people lose their lives on California roadways, with pedestrians making up 27% of these fatalities. California’s crowded roads demand that all drivers stay vigilant and responsible. Even a small mistake can have severe consequences. While accidents may be inevitable, each of us can do our part to make the roads safer.

Here are ten essential safety tips to keep in mind while driving in California.

1. Don’t Rush or Speed

California sees more than 50,000 accidents each year due to speeding and reckless driving. Higher speeds lead to more severe impacts. It’s always better to arrive late than to risk not arriving at all. A survey found that 36.5% of reckless driving incidents occur on weekends. Maintain a safe, appropriate speed, especially on highways and busy roads.

2. Wear Your Seat Belt and Helmet

Nearly 95.9% of Californians buckle up, but some still risk their safety by neglecting seat belts and helmets. Helmets have reduced biker fatalities by 37.5%, yet 40% of bikers involved in fatal accidents were not wearing one. In California, seat belts and helmets are mandatory, and there are strict penalties for violations. Make it a habit to buckle up, even in the back seat, to ensure everyone’s safety.

3. Don’t Use Your Phone While Driving

It’s tempting to check notifications or answer calls while driving, but this can be fatal. According to the 2023 California Traffic Safety Survey, distracted driving accidents increased by 3.8% compared to 2022, with 3,522 lives lost as a result. Avoid using your phone while driving; a moment’s distraction can lead to devastating consequences.

4. Don’t Tailgate

Following too closely behind other vehicles is a common mistake. Rear-end collisions account for 29% of California accidents. The National Safety Council recommends a minimum three-second gap between vehicles to allow for sudden stops and reduce accidents. Leave enough space between your car and the one in front of you, especially on highways.

5. Drive Safely Around Trucks

Driving near large trucks requires extra caution. Trucks have large blind spots, making it difficult for drivers to see smaller vehicles nearby. In 2023, there were 14,074 truck-involved accidents in California, resulting in 5,900 injuries and 377 fatalities. Avoid driving too close to trucks, honk before overtaking, and ensure you have ample space for safe maneuvering.

6. Stay Calm and Control Your Speed

Rainy weather can lead to hydroplaning, where vehicles lose control on wet surfaces. In these conditions, reduce your speed by a third to maintain control. Avoid driving when angry or upset, as heightened emotions can impair your judgment and reaction time.

7. Use the Left Lane for Passing

To maintain the flow of traffic, use the left lane for passing only. Avoid speeding excessively while overtaking, as this can lead to pile-ups. Always signal well in advance, check your blind spots, and ensure there’s enough space before merging back into the lane. Accidents related to improper lane use have risen by 11% since 2020.

8. Be Cautious When Merging

According to California Vehicle Code (CVC) §22107, drivers must adjust their speed and find a safe space to merge into freeway traffic. In 2022, over 10,000 accidents occurred while merging on freeways, resulting in property damage, injuries, and even fatalities. Follow these tips for safe merging:

  • Choose the right time
  • Match the speed of traffic
  • Avoid sudden braking or swerving
  • Signal your intentions clearly

9. Watch for Pedestrians

A 2023 report estimated that California would see over 1,057 pedestrian fatalities, often due to reckless driving or failure to yield. California’s Assembly Bill 413 mandates a 20-foot gap between vehicles and crosswalks to protect pedestrians. Be mindful of crosswalks, particularly in busy areas, and yield to pedestrians as required by law.

10. Monitor the Weather and Vehicle Condition

California’s weather can change rapidly, from sunny skies to sudden storms. Regularly check weather forecasts and make sure your vehicle is in good working condition. In 2023, weather-related crashes claimed 5,000 lives and injured 418,000 people nationwide. Drive carefully in adverse conditions, as someone is always waiting for you at home.


Your life, and the lives of others, is valuable. This guide highlights essential safety practices that can help make California roads safer for everyone. Small steps, like staying focused and driving responsibly, can make a big difference. If you have questions about California traffic laws, feel free to contact Sunset West. We’re committed to raising awareness and promoting safe driving practices for everyone on the road.

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