What are the Dangers of Multitasking While Driving?

In today’s fast paced lifestyle, we all love the idea of multitasking. Our smart phones can easily be linked to our computers, and even our cars. This allows us to stay “plugged in” on the go. Unfortunately, many people fail to consider the dangers of multitasking while driving. Yes, technology allows us...

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Can Your Settlement Award Be Taxed?

After weeks, months, or even years, you have finally settled your lawsuit. What a great feeling! Unfortunately, you forgot to ask about how your settlement will factor into tax season. Can your settlement award be taxed? If so, how much will you have to pay? Let’s take a look at how taxes...

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Closer Look: Types Of Slip And Fall Cases

Slip and fall accidents are among the most common accidents leading to a personal injury lawsuit. The reason is that these accidents can happen to anyone, at any time, almost anywhere. Slip and fall accidents also lead to a wide variety of injuries. Let’s take a closer look at the types of...

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